…and boiling the perfect egg I simply despise locating a potentially usable recipe and then having to scroll through paragraph upon paragraph of background information or humorous anecdotes. To paraphrase Detective Joe Friday, “Just the recipe, ma’am.” So, here you go. So if you’re still reading this, I’ll give you a bit of the back…
All posts in October 2019
The Next Big Thing
Every time change is in the air I remember how much I hate change. Sameness lulls me into thinking that somehow I’ve finally gotten past it, but then something different creeps in, and I’ve got knees made of Jello, a queasy stomach, and nights haunted with episodes of insomnia. Change. Just change. Nothing particularly negative…
Music to my Ears
I imagine that the year was 1961…September 11, assuredly…most likely 1961. Earlier in the summer my parents had purchased a used upright piano from some friends and decided that I would begin taking piano lessons that fall. I was an eight-year-old third grader, whose only prior musical knowledge was from the bits of family radio…
Best Laid Plans
I guess I still have a lot to learn regarding planning. A really good plan, apparently, is NOT simply outlining steps of a project. Creating a great plan, which is now my goal in life, should also include the “what ifs”…contingencies…detours, if you will. Why am I surprised? As I look back at pretty much…